۱۴۰۳ سه شنبه ۱۷ مهر
دانشگاه اصفهان
هفتمين همايش مرزهاي علوم رياضي

Mission and Vision

The annual conferences "Frontiers in Mathematical Sciences" are intended to prepare a ground to further promote the communications and collaborations between Iranian mathematicians working in Iran and abroad. The 7th Conference will be held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Isfahan from January 1 to January 3, 2020. These annual events aim essentially at contributing to the establishment of research networks which are engaging the Iranian mathematicians based both in the country and abroad; and further to improve the international recognition of the Iranian mathematical activities and outcomes. As it was pointed out during the previous meetings, these conferences have the following main objectives in view:

Creating an effective forum for the communications among the community of Iranian mathematicians.
Making the Iranian mathematical community, more especially the graduate students and the younger mathematicians, acquainted with frontiers in mathematical sciences.
Providing opportunities to establish common research projects.
Hosting scientific lectures on pioneer topics in mathematical sciences with the highest standards.
Establishing a scientific tradition to attract leading mathematicians abroad.
Publishing the proceedings of the conference.


دانشگاه اصفهان
تعداد بازدید:
دانشگاه اصفهان
آدرس: اصفهان، میدان آزادی، دانشگاه اصفهان
کدپستی: 8174673441
تلفن: 2640-03137932128 تلفکس: 03136687396
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