Student Accommodation Office
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Dormitories are a part of university facilities in which students can, individually or in groups, spend parts of their leisure time and enjoy the provided welfare, cultural, sport and educational services in accordance with Student Accommodation Regulations while respecting other students’ rights. Universities and students are regarded as a country’s axes of scientific, cultural and social development and student dormitories, also regarded as their “second homes”, are of particular importance in promoting the students’ spiritual vitality, maintaining their mental and emotional calmness, developing their thoughts and ideas, improving their characters and increasing the quality of their education. Following the establishment of the University of Isfahan in 1946, this office started to pursue the students’ welfare and accommodation issues. Student Accommodation Office is providing accommodation services for more than 5000 of eligible students in 12 on-campus dormitories and one off-campus dormitory.
With an area of ​​approximately 15,500 square meters, student dormitories have facilities such as study halls and sports centers as well as cultural and educational centers. The most important aims to be achieved during students’ life in dormitories is to rightly train people who are spending a period of their lives at university and far from their families with the hope of achieving the country’s elevated objectives in future. Having a proper plan, offering welfare facilities to students, providing a safe and calm environment as well as the basic amenities and educational facilities can be of crucial value to accomplish such objectives.

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