Saturday, July 27, 2024

By-laws and regulations

university of Iosfahan- Laws and regulations

Amended and Restated: Effective March 10, 2022
Chapter I: Purposes, Non-discrimination, Offices, and Fiscal Year
Chapter II: Officers
Chapter III: Councils and Committees
Chapter IV: Other Provisions Relating to Members and Officers
Chapter V: The Board of Directors
Chapter VI: Organization of the Academic Departments
Chapter VII: Educational Operations
Chapter VIII: Faculty and Research Personnel
Chapter IX: Amendments

Chapter I
Purposes, Non-discrimination, Offices, and Fiscal Year
1. Purposes
University of Isfahan (UI) is a state and comprehensive university. The purposes of the University are exclusively scientific and educational under the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran (I.R.Iran).

2. Non-discrimination
The University will undertake and carry on its educational activities and programs, free from discrimination and harassment based on actual or perceived race, sex, gender and/or gender identity or expression, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, ethnicity, disability, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, citizenship status, genetic information or any other basis prohibited by law. The University will not discriminate on any of these bases in administering its educational policies, admission policies, and other school-administered programs.

3. Principal Office
The principal office of the University will be located at the university campus in the city of Isfahan, province of Isfahan.

4. Other Offices
The University also may have other offices at such other places both within and outside the city of Isfahan as the university board of trustees may from time to time determine.

5. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the University will begin each year on March 21 and end on the following March 20.

Chapter II
6. President
The President is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees; The President will serve as the chief executive officer and chief academic officer of the University; will be delegated authority and responsibility for the administration and management of the university consistent with its mission and the direction of the Board of Trustees.

7. The Vice Presidents
The Vice Presidents are appointed by the President and may be removed by the President. The Vice Presidents will be the senior assistants to the President in all academic and non-academic matters; and will have such other powers and duties as the President may prescribe from time to time.

Chapter III
Councils and Committees
8. Current councils and committees of the university:
Board of Trustees;
Board of Directors;
University Council;
University Audit and Compliance Board;
Research and Technology Council;
Education Council;
International Relations Policy Council;
International Students Policy Council;
Committee on Internationalization; and
Compensation Committee

Chapter IV
Other Provisions Relating to Members and Officers
9. Meetings by Conference Telephone or Electronic Video Screen
Members, officers, directors, councils, and committees (or subcommittees where permitted) members may participate in meetings by conference telephone or similar communications equipment or by electronic video screen communication. Participation by such means will constitute presence in person at a meeting as long as all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time and each member or committee member can participate in all matters before the members, or committee, as applicable.

Chapter V
The Board of Directors
10. Functions
The University Board of Directors will serve the following functions:
a. The board will be the deliberative body for the discussion of university-wide policies and proposed changes in university practices and structure. The board will set its agenda with particular concern for academic programs and structure, personnel and budgetary policies, development of facilities, and community, professional, and educational relations of the University. The board will make any recommendations regarding the policies and practices of the University to the President and, through the President, to the units, faculties, and departments.

b. The board of directors will receive and review regularly the reports and recommendations of university-wide councils and committees and, from time to time, those of other interfaculty committees or commissions that may refer to matters within the jurisdiction of the board.

c. The board will have the power to act upon educational matters and regulations of the academic community that affect more than one faculty. Action by the board in these matters will be binding upon all faculties, but any faculty will have the right to appeal to the Board, which may overrule the board’s action.

d. The board will fix the length of terms and vacations and define the University calendar. It will determine the time, place, and manner of the Commencement Exercises and other public occasions affecting more than one faculty/deputy of the University, and will adopt regulations regarding academic costumes therefor.

e. The board may make recommendations for the consideration of each of the faculties about their educational programs and policies. It will make recommendations to the administration of the university regarding catalogs, bulletins, and other announcements of the University, and will define the meaning of educational terms used in these university publications.

f. The board will exercise other legislative or advisory functions in connection with the educational work of the university.

11. Members
The board will consist of the President and Vice-presidents.

12. Officers of the Board
The President of the University will be the President of the University Board of Directors. The board will elect a Vice President, who will preside in the absence of both the President and a secretary.

13. Meetings
The board meets typically during the times on twenty-four hours' notice at the call of the President. The Secretary will call a special meeting on twenty-four hours' notice, specifying the purpose of the meeting.

Chapter VI
Organization of Academic Departments
14. Faculties, and Divisions of the University
a. Faculties. The University comprises the following integral faculties:
- Faculty of Literature and Humanities
- Faculty of Theology and Ahl-al-Bayt (Prophet's Descendants) Studies
- Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics
- Faculty of Foreign Languages
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics
- Faculty of Education and Psychology
- Faculty of Geographical Sciences and Planning
- Faculty of Sport Sciences
- Faculty of Biological Science and Technology
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Physics
- Faculty of Civil Engineering and Transportation
- Faculty of Computer Engineering
- Department of Geology

b. Division of Libraries. The University also comprises the Division of the Libraries which performs academic functions across faculty lines and is governed by its faculty and officers under procedures defined and approved by the President and Vice-president for Research and Technology.

15. Deans
a. Dean of Each Faculty. There will be a dean of each faculty, appointed by the President.

b. Powers and Duties. The dean will execute such rules as his or her faculty may from time to time adopt, and in general administer the affairs of his or her faculty subject to the regulations of the faculty, these Bylaws, and the direction of the President.

c. Vice-Deans. The vice-deans are appointed by the President based on the recommendation of the Dean.

16. Administration of Academic Departments
The chief executive officer of a university academic department will bear the title "head" and will be responsible through the appropriate deans and vice-deans to the President.

Chapter VII
Educational Operations
17. Responsibilities of the Faculties
a. Educational Conduct and Functions. The educational conduct of each of the several faculties, within the limits prescribed by these Bylaws and Regulations, is committed to the faculties. The educational functions of the libraries of the University, as defined and structured by the President and Vice-president for research, are similarly committed to the faculty and officers of the Division of the Libraries.

b. Entrance Requirements, Courses of Study and Degrees and Certificates.
Subject to the approval of the Deputy of Education and general university policy as defined by the President and the Board of Directors, each faculty has to determine the entrance requirements of the faculty under its care, determine courses of study to be pursued, and the standards of academic achievement to be attained for each degree offered, to prepare a schedule of lectures, to make and enforce rules for the guidance and conduct of the students.

c. Libraries. The faculty of the Division of the Libraries has to implement the resources and services of its various libraries under the instructional and research needs of the university and in collaboration with the academic units which the libraries serve and support; to promote and develop the use of the libraries and their resources through interaction with the university community and research and publication; and to make and enforce policies as desirable to ensure that the libraries' resources and services advance learning, research, and scholarly inquiry in an environment dedicated to open, equitable, and productive exchange of scholarly information.

18. Degrees
a. Types of Degrees. Degrees conferred by the university are degrees in the course. Degrees in the course are granted to candidates by the President, with authorization on certification by a faculty as having fulfilled the requirements for a degree.

b. Conferral of Degrees. Degrees in the course may be conferred by the President at the annual Commencement after the end of the spring term, and on appropriate dates after the end of the summer session, after the end of the fall term, and at other times during the year, respectively, upon all candidates who have been certified as having completed the requirements for their respective degrees.

19. Faculty Membership
a. Categories of Faculty. The faculty in a department is comprised of two categories: (i) Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty; and (ii) Full-Time Continuing Contract Faculty.

Chapter VIII
Faculty and Research Personnel
20. Tenured Faculty
Tenured Appointments. The Tenured Faculty consists of the Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors who have full-time appointments at the university and who have been awarded permanent or continuous tenure at the University under university procedures.

21. Tenure Track Faculty
Tenure Track Appointments. The Tenure Track Faculty consists of Assistant Professors who have full-time faculty appointments at the University and currently are not tenured but who may be eligible to be considered for permanent or continuous tenure at the University under university procedures.

22. Full-Time Continuing Contract Faculty
a. Full-Time Continuing Contract Faculty Appointments. The Full-Time Continuing Contract Faculty consists of faculty who are not Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty and who: (i) have full-time appointments at the University; (ii) have titles or appointments that do not prohibit indefinite contract renewals (although promotion within the appointment category, such as from assistant to associate, may be required for renewal); and (iii) are not visiting faculty (including persons who have tenure or are on the tenure track at another institution and persons who are on leave from another institution).

23. Leaves of Absence
All full-time faculty are expected to be present for duty throughout the academic year, September 11 to July 11, unless otherwise specified. Applications for leave of absence or sabbatical leave should be made to the proper head of the department.

Chapter IX
24. Bylaws and Regulations
The university board of directors may amend or repeal these Bylaws and Regulations at any meeting of the board at which there is unanimous written consent of the university’s deans, vice-presidents, or councils/committees.
Isfahan University
Address: Isfahan, Azadi square, University of Isfahan         Postal Code: 8174673441
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Headquarters: +98-313-7932003-7
Fax: +98-313-6687396
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